
    • Secret@TreeSecret@Tree
    • Secret@Tree

    • Trees are a pillar against the ongoing struggle against global warming, as they can reduce pollution, improve air quality, conserve water, prevent soil erosion and reduce heating, as well as cooling costs. Trees can also provide privacy and give a sense of security. Law would love to show their viewers the many details painted onto the canvas of Secrets@Tree. Many…
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    Spectacular Sky ISpectacular Sky I
    • Spectacular Sky ISpectacular Sky I
    • Spectacular Sky I

    • Water, a limited resource, is something that people have already started fighting over. Human use all kinds of excuses to defend their pointless fights. Law makes powerful use of colours, ink and dynamic composition to express the joyful moments that humans experience in all aspects: love, contentment, admiration, hope and faith. Law hopes that viewers can find these positive energies…
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    Spectacular Sky IISpectacular Sky II
    • Spectacular Sky IISpectacular Sky II
    • Spectacular Sky II

    • Water, a limited resource, is something that people have already started fighting over. Human use all kinds of excuses to defend their pointless fights. Law makes powerful use of colours, ink and dynamic composition to express the joyful moments that humans experience in all aspects: love, contentment, admiration, hope and faith. Law hopes that viewers can find these positive energies…
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    Spectacular Sky IIISpectacular Sky III
    • SOLD
      Spectacular Sky IIISpectacular Sky III
    • Spectacular Sky III

    • Water, a limited resource, is something that people have already started fighting over. Human use all kinds of excuses to defend their pointless fights. Law makes powerful use of colours, ink and dynamic composition to express the joyful moments that humans experience in all aspects: love, contentment, admiration, hope and faith. Law hopes that viewers can find these positive energies…
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    • ThinkingThinking
    • Thinking

    • Thinking was created during COVID-19 pandemic period; our minds function in very different dimensions and probably be dynamic than ever. Dimensions (H x W x D) 50cm x 50cm x 6.35cm Completed 2020-08-10 Medium Mixed media on canvas Framed No
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